The educational revolution and the development of sex education in the country lead to questioning on how to train people with reflexive and critical capacity, so that they better manage and solve the situations that arise in relation to themselves, with others and with its environment. People who through the full exercise of sexuality, develop as citizens and grow as human beings.

It is then through the policy of quality improvement that meetings are held between individuals and organizations working in sex education in Colombia and other countries where the relationship between basic competencies was sought and led to the design of a conceptual and operational pedagogical proposal that validated and adjusted between 2006 and 2007, with the development of the Pilot Project on Education for Sexuality and Construction of Citizenship in 53 establishments in 5 Regions of the Country. The proposal is enriched with the contributions and experiences of students, teachers, families, , executives, practitioners, secretaries of education, this allows to talk about a program of sexual education and citizenship building within the framework of basic skills and citizens.

It is a matter of prioritizing processes that develop competencies for life, from the appropriation of knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions aimed at the training of active subjects of rights in a way that contribute to the aims and objectives of the education that proposes Law 115 of 1994.